Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Live Free or Drown- Floating Utopias

I would like to comment on the article entitled "Live Free or Drown" from Wired magazine, which discusses the Seasteading Institute and its plan to create aquatic homesteads, or what some view as "floating utopias." Though I comprehend the reasoning behind wanting to create a "new world," I do not think that it is ultimetely possible, and I cannot help but think this idea is a little ridiculous and far fetched. Those following the plan of the Seasteading Institute (which almost seems like a kind of cult) are led by Patri Friedman, who "doesn't just want to create huge floating platforms that people can live on. He's also hoping to create a platform in the sense that Linux is a platform: a base upon which people can build their own innovative forms of governance." They believe that the government that we currently have is beyond repair and that it is "an inefficient industry because it has an insane barrier to entry." Like I said before, I can understand that they are frusterated, but what really frusterates me is that their so-called "solution" to this problem is to run away. They want to leave the world, and government, we have now and create something completely new, which to me means that they are giving up and not fighting for change. Friedman says that "we've run out of frontier" and uses that as the reasoning of why they're looking to the "untouched" oceans for a new civiliation, but I feel that he should channel all of this time, energy and money into making changes back in the United States. Like they said in the article, there is a very high possibility that this venture will fail, and then the $50 million dollars spent on the ocean mass will go to waste, when it could have been used for beneficial purposes.

1 comment:

  1. I find this idea of floating Utopia’s to be ridicules just like Gretchen. The point that makes this very convincing is saying that instead of them fixing the problem they are running out into the ocean to build their own little world or society. I totally agree that the 50 million that they have pledged to use on this project should be used to benefit the US instead of being poured into the ocean (literally). The government we have in the United States is, to me, a very stable system that is protected on all sides. And also with the election of a new president I believe that we should wait to see what he has to offer. Altogether this idea of going and creating a society in the ocean is arguably one of the dumbest ideas because the governance there would be awful and the idea of freedom that they want to incorporate would be almost turned into the idea of socialism in some sort. So overall I think we should use this money towards our own government and no to some farfetched idea of a society.
