Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Ethics behind "The Story of Stuff"

The class video entitled “The Story of Stuff” examines what goes into various things and the harm that can be caused under the current system. This is a very biased video because it instantly takes one side and talks about how bad everything currently is without proper explanation or some potential suggestions for how to fix the problem. The creators of the video are clearly against current production methods; which is fine and they lay out very good reasons. The only problem with this is that if a criticism is to be made a follow up suggestion needs to be made to validate the criticism. The video also had some absurd data that is very subjective and hard to prove. An example of this is the happiness chart cited. The happiness chart makes absolutely no sense because they do not describe the factors that comprise happiness; so it’s almost as if happiness is this arbitrary variable that can be manipulated however they want so as to validate their point of view. Another problem with the video is the abrupt ending and the lack of closure on the subject. The video is basically nineteen and a half minutes of ranting and then a thirty second conclusion that fails to bring everything together and make a point or emphasize a message. The suggestions made by the video are brief and lack substance, so the video leaves the viewer with an empty feeling and the desire for a message or point to be retained.

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