Sunday, February 15, 2009

I really wanted to reflect on the issue of how some people say that America isn’t free.  When I hear this, this honestly bothers me a great deal.  America is the freest nation on the face of the earth in my opinion.  One might argue that Holland might be freer because of the fact that more drugs are legal and prostitution isn’t looked down upon by law.  Especially the prostitution aspect of it, I would like to further discuss on this subject.  Because of the fact that women aren’t allowed to sell themselves for sex in the United States, they aren’t thought of as property.  As a matter of fact, because of our traditions and laws, women are expected to be treated with a large amount of respect by other men.  In most cases, a women will not associated herself with a man that talks and treats her like property.  This is how it is supposed to be.  In countries all around the world, there are many cases where women are thought of as a sexual being rather than an intellectual being like the rest of us.  Also, the law about drugs in the United States also gives the population as a whole a better life.  Although a temporary feeling might be better than a sober state of mind, after the drug fades, you are always left a little less than you had.  This decreased quantity could be happiness, health, and many other things.  Also, America possesses the ability to speak out for how you feel, usually without consequences as long as you didn’t break any laws.  Many people speak out against the president, and have no shame or fear doing it.  Although I may agree or disagree at times, I do enjoy the ability to do as I please within reason.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with Rhys’ analysis about Holland’s laws regarding prostitution. As a woman, I appreciate American laws against prostitution because, like Rhys, I believe it is degrading. However, if we are discussing freedom, Holland is freer in this aspect. Holland not “looking down” on prostitution is not the issue. The issue or rather idea is that women have to freedom to CHOOSE what they do with their body. I think it is better to look at prostitution as a service field. The prostitutes are in the service field of providing sexual pleasure for money. What is wrong with that? It becomes an ethics issue I think if a woman has no other choice than to become a prostitute. A woman should not be forced to enter this field unless they have chosen to do so. They should be provided the means to qualify for other occupations also. That is freedom.
