Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

All men have the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Our fore fathers believed happiness was so important as to include it in the United States Constitution. Happiness is a good value to include in the nation's value system. Thus, laws and systems are designed to supports a man's right to pursuit happiness as a core element. I would also like to consider life and liberty because I believe life and liberty are just as important as values to sustain our society. The right to life maintains laws that forbid abuse and murder to another person. Our healthcare also shows the importance of life. The discussion of liberty has been very popular in class. Do we live in a free culture? Most Americans would say we are a free society. I would agree with this statement on whole, but our political has definitely infringed on many aspects on Americans' lives. For example, gay marriage is outlawed pretty much across the nation. Why can't two men get married? If it is their pursuit of happiness and does this does not infringe on other lives and liberty, what is the problem? The institution of marriage is a man made concept. The exclusion of members of society is not upholding the values of this country. Our economic system supports the values of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Capitalism allows individuals to be mobile amongst the classes (but not easily). As we discussed in class, happiness should not be measured against money. So by making the economic system and the pursuit happiness mutually exclusive it does not hinder the right.

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