Thursday, March 26, 2009

I really wanted to take this blogging opportunity to agree with Kristina Griffin on one of her posting.  Is is remarkable how much I agree with her on this subject, considering that Kristina and I usually have disagreements are many political topics.  What Kristina is essentially saying is that inequality is a necessary evil.  Obviously, no one like to be on the short end of the stick, but that is just how the business world works.  There is a need for a separation of power in the workplace.  There are many people that are great workers, but really need that extra motivation of a boss giving them pressure for them to produce the appropriate quantity and quality that is expected of them.  If there wasn’t inequality in the workplace, there wouldn’t be any incentive for one to work hard and stand out from the rest of the crowd.  When there is inequality, the workers that have a great work ethic that represents a good example for the peers around them could eventually lead to them getting promoted.  This is the approach to business that makes the world go around.  This is why business are efficient and why they make profit.  Kristina also asks why should a CEO get paid just as much as a low skilled worker?  Believe it or not, CEO have a lot to sacrifice to get the large pay that they usually bring in every year.  Many times they have to neglect their family and concentrate on business problems during non-working hours.  Take for example an NBA player.  NBA players make a great deal of money every year, but there are also many things they have to give that many normal workers don’t have to.  One of those if family time.  For a large portion of the year they are on the road.  The children that they have with their wives have to be raised ultimately by a single mother for over half of the year.  This is a large price to pay, hence the large salaries that they are rewarded with.  In conclusion, inequality in the workplace is very necessary for the business (sports is a business also!)world.

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